Sunday 25 March 2012

Aloe Vera and Diabetes

Diabetes has become one of the country's fast growing and the number of patients keeps increasing!

It happens when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin hormones. There are many methods used to cure or prevent this dangerous disease. With adding aloe vera to your diet can be of significant help evidently. When inflicted with diabetes, the wounds find within your body not heal as fast as non diabetics. Because of its healing properties, aloe vera may treat these wounds; besides it can spread up the healing process. It seems that this plant can improve blood sugar and triglyceride (fat) levels in your blood.

Aloe barbadensis is a plant with long, green leaves contain aloe gel. Many researches show the aloe vera gel contains active constitutions that reduce blood glucose  and glycated hemoglobin levels (A1C).

The Mahidol University of Bangkok to conduct a study on the health benefits of aloe vera and how it prevents diabetes. This study done and be published in the journal of Phyto medicine in 1996. People with diabetes should be excited by the prospect that aloe vera can potentially replace other drugs that may sometimes have harsh side effects such as heart attack and stroke significantly. There are 72 patients with high fasting blood sugar are selected who had never been treated with hypo-glycemic drugs. The scientists used a placebo controlled double blind study to examine the effects of Aloe Vera on the blood sugar levels, as well as cholesterol levels and triglycerides.

For 42 days, the test group was given 15 milliliters of Aloe Vera to be taken twice a day while the other control group was given placebos. Neither of the groups knew which they were taking. Every two weeks, during this period, both groups were subjected to blood tests to measure their glucose levels, cholesterol levels and triglycerides. Prior tests performed before the study showed that there were no differences in their blood markers.

After the treatment with Aloe Vera the treatment group’s blood sugar levels decreased dramatically by 43%. They also reported that there were no changes in the cholesterol but blood triglyceride levels were reduced by 44%. There was no change in the placebo group. The study also reported that there were no significant side effects in the consumption of Aloe Vera; it also didn’t affect the treatment group’s weight or appetites.

The likely outcome of using Aloe Vera is a reduction in the amount of insulin required. This may happen immediately, gradually or suddenly after a few weeks. It is essential that the sufferer has their blood-sugar content measured on a daily basis while drinking Aloe. 

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