Wednesday 4 April 2012

Healthy Digestion Tract with Probiotic

With consume Forever Living stabilized aloe vera gel, may offer you probiotic which u need to maintain a healthy gut! Good to support your digestion tract and increase immune system.

That’s because 70 percent of our immune defenses reside in the digestive system – so it is essential that the “good guys” prevail in this ongoing battle. The “good guys” are probiotics –friendly bacteria that occur naturally in the digestive tract that prevent or limit the growth of unfriendly bacteria such as salmonella, clostridia and e-coli. 

Did you know that there are 20 times more bacteria than cells in your body? In fact, at any one time, you have more bacteria in your body than the total number of people who have ever lived on the planet. So the next time you step on the bathroom scale, you need to remember that 1 pound of that weight is not you at all, but the billions of bugs that live in your gut. This may sound alarming, but many of these organisms are crucial to good health.

The widespread use of antibiotics in this country is another culprit in gastric distress. The same antibiotics that kill the bad bacteria in your body also kill off the friendly bacteria that are needed to maintain good health.

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